Primary color palette
Tech Blue
PMS 287
HEX #003087
RGB – 0, 48, 135
CMYK – 100, 75, 2, 18
Tech Red
PMS 1797
RGB – 203, 51, 59
CMYK – 2, 97, 85, 7
These are the primary University colors for Louisiana Tech University. In order to provide graphic consistency, Louisiana Tech’s official red and blue should conform to designations listed here. The Office of University Communications ( can assist with samples and codes for these and other color options.
Neutral color palette
PMS Warm Gray 8c
HEX #8C8279
RGB – 140, 130, 121
CMYK – 38, 37, 39, 15
PMS 2374c
HEX #4D5F80
RGB – 77, 95, 128
CMYK – 73, 53, 16, 20
PMS Black C
HEX #000000
RGB – 0, 0, 0
CMYK – 0, 0, 0, 100
PMS 7530C
HEX #A39382
RGB – 163, 147, 130
CMYK – 29, 32, 38, 9
PMS 2135c
HEX #758CC0
RGB – 117, 140, 192
CMYK – 58, 38, 0, 0
RGB – 255, 255, 255
CMYK – 0, 0, 0, 0
PMS Warm Gray 2c
RGB – 206, 196, 188
CMYK – 16, 15, 16, 0
PMS 545C
RGB – 198, 218, 231
CMYK – 20, 3, 0, 0
Accent color palette
PMS 540c
(Vintage Blue)
HEX #0A3254
RGB – 10, 50, 84
CMYK – 100, 79, 38, 37
PMS 292c (LT Blue)
HEX #69B3E7
RGB – 105, 179, 231
CMYK – 55, 13, 0, 0
PMS 7599c
(Vintage Red)
HEX #B73E26
RGB – 183, 62, 38
CMYK – 20, 88, 100, 10
PMS 429c
RGB – 162, 170, 173
CMYK – 35, 23, 19, 2
Lady Techster Blue (PMS 292c) is only for use by Louisiana Tech Athletics as a primary color. However, it can be used as an accent color in other media.
We strive to maintain accessibility in digital and print media and follow WCAG 2.0 (AA) guidelines to ensure there is enough color contrast to make text readable.
Hex and RGB codes are used for digital channels of communication. Use PMS spot color and CMYK codes for printing collateral material (posters, brochures, fliers, and such) and promotional specialty items. Newer printing methods will use these codes for a more accurate color match.
When viewing colors on a computer monitor please keep in mind that differences in screen resolutions and calibrations can alter colors, shades and textures.
Color ratio

Our primary colors should be the primary brand driver in all communications. These colors say a lot about who we are. Neutral colors are meant to complement our primary colors and can be used up to 50% in a project. Our accent colors are used as small accents in projects and should appear separate from Tech’s primary red and blue. Accent colors can make up to approximately 10% of any project.